The climate of the Jordan valley is classified as semi-arid with an annual rainfall of about 150 mm and temperatures exceeding 40°C in the dry season. It is an import region for agriculture in Jordan and possesses substantial groundwater resources of brackish water with salinity of 2000 to 4000 ppm. Lands utilization is limited due to the shortage of fresh water supply from the central distribution system of the government. Overuse and overpopulation, especially after the recent refugees’ flux to the region has mounted the pressure on the available water resources and caused the water table to be lowered and the salinity levels to be increased to levels where it cannot be used directly by humans or for irrigation. To desalinate water for irrigation purposes, farmers depend on a conventional energy source for their desalination systems with challenging cost issues. Alternative energy utilization for such purposes remains premature at the area.
Stakeholders Groups

Stakeholders Expectations
Environmental Conservation: Prevent degradation and preserve biodiversity.
Water Management: Improve water availability and quality
Renewable Energy: Shift towards renewable sources, reducing reliance on non-renewables.
Community Engagement: Involve local communities in decision-making processes.