Hammamet is a Mediterranean coastal area located in the Cap-Bon region of Tunisia (Gouvernorate of Nabeul). The touristic development has stimulated the urbanization extension and has deeply changed the original agricultural character of the region leading to water conflicts between sectors (agriculture, touristic, urban). The local water resources cannot meet the local demand, and the region should rely on the water transferred from other areas of the country to fulfil water needs. The groundwater is overexploited and suffers in some places from salt-intrusion. Due to this situation, agriculture abandon in favor of urbanization is more and more observed. 4500ha could be submerged under the effects of climate change and the actual situation is likely to increase the vulnerability of the region and limits the possibility of sustainable agriculture and water management
Stakeholders Groups

Stakeholders Expectations
Water-Saving Equipment: Deploy specialized equipment for sustainable water use in irrigation practices.
Technological Enhancements: Implement complementary technologies to improve treated wastewater quality.
Alternative Water Solutions: Explore alternatives to supply farmers with irrigation water.
Community Behavior Change: Encourage behavioral shifts among the local population regarding water usage.
Industry Accountability: Enforce efficient penalties for industries to encourage responsible water usage.
Educational System Update: Revise the education system to include environmental topics, particularly on water resource preservation.
Collaboration Improvement: Enhance cooperation among various stakeholders within the water sector for effective management.