Project reports

Project reports


This deliverable presents the communication and dissemination plan which identifies, organises, and defines the management of the promotion of the AGREEMed project. It is based on the preliminary dissemination and communication plan drafted on the project proposal, adding relevant material on the dissemination and communication strategy. The deliverable objectives are to establish:

  • The relevant target stakeholder for communication and dissemination activities.
  • The communication and dissemination strategy and timeline.
  • The communication and dissemination channels and activities to be applied in order to reach an optimal dissemination level in all geographical areas relevant to the project.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used to monitor the implementation of the dissemination strategy.

The implementation of the plan will be presented in the periodic reports of the project as described below:

  • D8.3 “Progress on communication and dissemination plan V1”
  • D8.5 “Report on communication and dissemination activities V2”

This file contains references for journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, internet presentations, and patents identified as the most important approaches in non-conventional water in the Mediterranean region. A summary report will be published soon. 

Learn more

AGREEMED is part of the PRIMA programme supported
by the European Union.

