Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) , Morocco
With clear orientation towards leading applied research, innovation and entrepreneurship in the region. UM6P’s research vision is to contribute to addressing strategic issues for the Mediterranean region and Africa, such as food security, sustainable resources management, and digitalization. At UM6P, researchers benefit from many stand-alone digital platforms and experimentation laboratories in real conditions (Living Labs) which provide an opportunity to validate avenues of research. UM6P’s participating department is IWRI, the International Water Research Institute, which is a program dedicated to Water & Climate themes within UM6P. IWRI is focused on 4 pillars: Integrated water resources management, resilience and adaptation of water and other resources to climate change, hydroinformatics, and water treatment technologies. IWRI aims to meet the future challenges of Med region and Africa in relation to water, food security and climate change.
Role in the project:
In addition to coordinating the project (WP1), UM6P will lead WP2 about advancing knowledge on hydrologic processes and freshwater ecosystems in the three pilot areas to make the best use of its facilities, installations and the expertise of its team. Furthermore, UM6P will participate in several other activities: WP4 (Collection of data on farming systems), WP6 (Socioeconomic intelligence), WP8 (Dissemination and industrialization of developed solutions).

The Observatory of EU-LA Relations/Global Observatory (OBREAL/GLOBAL), Spain
Association of leading academic and research institutions as well as individual researchers and higher education (HE) professionals from Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia. Originally selected by the European Commission (DG RELEX and EuropeAid) to structure and monitor bi-regional collaboration between the EU and LA, in 2017, it officially changed its statutes to offer a wider platform for NorthSouth-South cooperation in the higher education and research sectors. OBREAL has since expanded its membership to include university networks and research assoications in Africa, India and the Middle East, as well as in Latin America. In addition to offering in-house expertise on topics such as internationalisation of higher education and mobility, ICT and digitalisation of universities, research management, entrepreneurship and academic innovation, OBREAL has extensive experience in leading project quality assurance and monitoring EU grant management and dissemination campaigns.
Role in the project:
As co-lead in the whole project, OBREAL will assist UM6P in WP1 in admistrative and financial management of the project. OBREAL as a global higher education membership organisation that specialises in EU project management will offer to the project a vast higher education network within Europe and around the world and will support the quality monitoring of the project the financial management. Besides the management support OBREAL Global will be co-leading WP4 on ICT.

The Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Germany
The Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) is member of TU9, the association of nine leading technical institutes in Germany and has a long history of excellence in science and engineering. TU Berlin provides students a transdisciplinary scientific education, which in turn is an expression of the university’s societal and global responsibilities. The Department of Environmental Process Engineering (EPE) is conducting engineering science with a cross-sectional character. The researchers at EPE are concerned with industrial water treatment, the recovery of valuable substances from fluids, wastewater treatment, the elimination of refractory substances, water recycling including the related brine management and treatment. Technological expertises are biological processes, membrane-based technologies, adsorption/desorption, oxidation, electrochemical and thermal processes as well as modelling, and simulation of (process) water cycles. The chair is member of national and international scientific as well as application-oriented networks, e.g. in research network “Water in Metropolitan Regions” (WIB), the SME association Aquanet Berlin-Brandenburg and German Water Partnership, a national association of companies specialized in water related solutions. This has led to numerous thirdparty funded national and international projects during the last years.
Role in the project:
TUB has broad experience in all water related technologies, its application and development in drinking, cooling, process and wastewater applications. Reuse and brine treatment is one of the key research topics since the last decades, nationally and internationally which is documented in many third party funded projects and publications. Projects with partners in the MENA region are existing since the late 80’s and therefore, the needs and possibilities are well known.

Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (IAMM), France
The IAMM is one of the four institutes of the International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), an international intergovernmental organization created in 1962 and counting 13 member countries, all located around the Mediterranean Basin. The main missions of CIHEAM-IAMM are to promote multilateral cooperation in the Mediterranean in the fields of agriculture, food, fishery and rural territories, aiming to respond to the States’ needs.
Role in the project:
IAMM team, which will act as WP4 coordinator, has diverse skills in analyzing farming systems resilience by using household bio-economic model and on food systems in Mediterranean countries. In Fact, IAMM led many research, cooperation and educational projects targeting to use and promote, in a participative approach, methods on Nexus analysis and integrated impact assessment approach by combining classic and innovative database-models-ICT to assist professionals and decision-makers

Water Research and Technology Center (CERTE), Tunisia
CERTE it is a national public research institution (about 100 multidisciplinary permanent researchers) composed of five research laboratories well equipped and three units for communication, quality management and technology transfer. The CERTE is part of the technopark of Borj Cedria, which facilitated the interaction with the economic sector for technology transfer and national impact. CERTE is very active in the whole water cycle (governance, management, technology, integrity) including the treatment and recovery of wastewater and by-products and the adaptation to climate change. CERTE is very active at the national, Mediterranean, and international level. The Laboratory involved in AGREEMed is the laboratory of Wastewater and Environment (LabEaUE).
Role in the project:
CERTE will be leading the WP7 related to NBS, with the support of IRIDRA and will significantly contribute to WP3 and WP5.The involved CERTE team in AGREEMed, has high experience in non conventional water treatment technologies and local water management. They developed and implemented several constructed wetland plants. They are involved in EU projects focusing on sustainable water resource management in the Med region including technological innovation, knowledge/technology transfer using living labs and expert missions, and participative governance.

Euro-Mediterranean Information System on know-how in the Water sector (SEMIDE), France
SEMIDE is an initiative of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership initiated by a Ministerial conference on fresh water in 1996. SEMIDE provides a strategic tool for exchanging information and knowledge in the water sector between and within the 43 Euro Mediterranean countries of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM). SEMIDE was a key pillar of the MEDA-Water programme (2002-2008) and was involved in the support mechanism of SWIM II (Sustainable Water Management in the Mediterranean, 2016-2019). In addition, SEMIDE has being translating the EU Water Frame Directive principles and the European Union Water Initiative lessons as well as European water innovation practices to the southern Mediterranean countries (MENA). SEMIDE has contributed significantly to the Mediterranean Water Strategy and the Strategy for Water in the Western Mediterranean (WSWM). Within the Union for the Mediterranean, SEMIDE is developing the Mediterranean Water Knowledge Platform to support the effective implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management in the region with all the stakeholders which is perfectly in line with AGREEMed objectives.
Role in the project:
Thanks to its consolidated relationships with various institutions involved in the management of water resources throughout the Mediterranean basin, SEMIDE will coordinate communication, dissemination, and exploitation activities (WP8) and create synergies with other initiatives and projects underway in the Euro-Mediterranean area. Within WP8 SEMIDE will be also in charge of the stakeholder’s engagement activities in WP6.

Name: The German-Jordanian University (GJU), Jordan
The GJU is a public university located in Mushaqar. It was founded in 2005 by a Royal Decree, in accordance with a memorandum of understanding reached between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of the Federal Republic of Germany. The university has four campuses: undergraduate Campus, the School of Architecture and Built Environment Campus, consulting and training, the Research Center for Energy and Water. GJU’s participating program in AGREEMed is: the School of Natural Resources Engineering and Management (SNREM) where the focus of the academic programs and research activities are in the fields of Food, Water and Energy Nexus. The current project proposal will be executed through SNREM where the capacity needed to implement this project exists in addition to the existing infrastructure to implement similar projects in terms of site availability, technical skills and diverse availability of equipment that might be needed.
Role in the project:
In addition to participating in all other WPs, GJU will be leading the WP5, with the support of TUB. GJU will bring its confirmed experience in solar water desalination system for underground brackish, solar driven water pumping and desalination units for application in remote areas, and capacity building in water desalination technologies for irrigation purposes.

DELTA Umwelt-Technik GmbH (DELTA),Germany
DELTA has been a reliable and competent partner for environmental engineering solutions tailored to our clients’ needs since 1994. We have wide experiences in eliminating toxic substances in fluids, gases and solids. Under economical friendly terms, we achieve convincing decontamination levels for various pollutants. We participate in the whole value chain starting from project development and engineering to plant construction and system operation accompanied by project management over all stages of the project. Our strengths lie in the individual selection and evaluation of the adequate processing method and its exact dimensioning. Intensive R&D allows us to successfully develop, patent and implement innovative and effective processes. Thus, DELTA can offer its clients convincing industrial solutions at favorable prices. Quality and safety always have the highest priority.
Role in the project:
Due to its previous successful experiences in groundwater restoration, purification and recirculation of process waters, optimization of water circuits of industrial production processes, DELTA will be contributing to all the WPs but will be co-leading the WP3 with TUB to evaluate non-conventional water tech; and will be key player in other aspects related to brine management, prototyping and industrialization of AGREEMed solutions.

The University of Ibn Zohr (UIZ), Morocco
UIZ is one of the most important institutions in Morocco, it covers more than 50% of the national territory including the area of Souss-Massa-Draa and the provinces of the Southern Morocco. The university develops several scientific and social research programs. Several research topics are elaborated within the framework of natural resources management (water, food, halieutics resources, social sciences, energy…). This project will be led by researchers from the Earth Sciences Department of the Faculty of Science and others from the Social Sciences Department. The main activities of the Department focus on natural resources management under global changes in collaboration with the agency of hydraulics and agricultural departments which are the federator operators, decision makers and users of water within regional and national scale.
Role in the project:
UIZ (Water resources, climate change and socioeconomic team) will be leading the WP6 to manage the transfer of its experience in the local institutional solutions and will be co-leading the WP2 (Earth Sciences Department) to benefit the consortium from its long experience in GIS and hydrogeochemical investigations in arid and semi-arid contexts. The team has a good experience in coordination of several R&D projects and exchange programs and is has a long research track in water resources management under severe drought stress and intensive groundwater withdrawal in the Souss-Massa basin. Furthermore, UIZ will contribute to all the other WPs, especially in the industrialization through its incubation program within the Cité d’Innovation Souss-Massa.

IRIDRA is a small (6 associated + 2 staff) engineering and consulting company (SME), founded in 1998 and based in Florence. IRIDRA realizes any activity connected with analysis, planning and design for sustainable water management and sanitation, mainly by NBS. IRIDRA members are actively collaborating since about 20 years with the main national environmental organizations and relevant associations of the water sector like the International Water Association. IRIDRA is also one of the founding companies of Global Wetland Technology, a consortium of 10 companies which have been operating for almost 20 years in the Environmental Engineering sector, with specialisation in wastewater treatment and water pollution control by Treatment Wetlands. Finally IRIDRA is member of the Constructed Wetland Association (CWA), based in UK.
Role in the project:
IRIDRA will mainly contribute to WP7 by co-leading it and actively collaborating in the design, construction and operating NBS demos, as specialised and experiencied consultants in the sector.