4th International Conference GIRE3D Participatory and Integrated Management of Water Resources in Arid Zones

Conference general presentation
Arid regions are known for their limited potentiality of water resources. The sustainable management of water resources in these areas is a permanent challenge, due to the growing demand, linked to population growth coupled with the negative impacts of climate change.
The edition 2023 of GIRE3D is an opportunity for all water stakeholders to exchange methodologies adapted to the exploitation and management of water in such contexts. This edition will allow, among other things, to:
- Promote the dialogue between scientific research and professionals in the water sector.
- Create a platform for debate and exchange of experiences between the various national and international stakeholders on the theme of water in arid zones.
The GIRE3D International Congress is co-organized by the Moroccan Committee of the International Association of Hydrogeologists (CM-AIH) and the Hydraulic Basin Agency of Sakia El Hamra and Oued Eddahab, in partnership with the Directorate of Research and Water Planning..
This conference will be organized in Laayoune (Face to Face), it is an Atlantic city in southern Morocco. The climate is mild, without excessive heat. Temperatures rarely exceed 28째C due to cool sea winds. The city is served daily from/by Casablanca by Royal Air Maroc (RAM). Also an online session will be included in the program.
All Dates
- From 2023-11-23 16:40 to 2023-11-25 16:40
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